stop smoking by hypnotism

How to stop smoking

Lets face it. You have tried to quit before. Many times… so in this article we will show you some ways that you can try out to see if it works for you.

Most people know that smoking is bad for their health. But quitting is not easy. It can be hard to quit all at once, or even just to cut down. There are a number of ways you can help yourself quit smoking.

Some Effective And Proven Ways To Stop Smoking

A lot of people are addicted to cigarettes and want to stop smoking. There are many ways for them to quit, but not all of them work for everyone. Each individual is unique and requires a highly specific and tailored approach. What works for your friend might not work at all for you… Experiment! Try new things. Be open for the unexpected one. Here are some effective and proven ways to stop smoking, that might get you on the right track.


This therapy is based on the idea that your mind can be trained to overcome negative thinking and behaviors with the help of a skilled therapist. During hypnosis, you enter into a state of deep relaxation and focus on positive thoughts. Thought patterns can be reprogrammed. Read more here >>>


Acupuncturists target certain areas of the body for certain conditions. When it comes to helping smokers quit, pressure points in the ears are especially effective in suppressing cravings. The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association even has an entire protocol around this set of ear suppression points to combat addiction.
Read more about acupuncture here >>


The Stop smoking drug by Pfizer. Can you really quit smoking with a pill? How does it work and what are the side effects? Read more here >>>

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

This is a type of medication that replaces the nicotine in cigarettes with other chemicals that provide the same effect. It can be used as a way to wean smokers off cigarettes gradually by reducing the dose over time until they can stop taking it altogether. Read more about Nicotine Replacement Therapy here >>>

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This therapy is based on changing negative thoughts and behaviors by identifying patterns in thoughts, feelings, and actions that lead to emotional distress or unhealthy behaviors. It works by helping people understand these patterns and change their reactions so they feel better about themselves.

Read more about CBT here >>>


This is a form of relaxation that involves focusing on your breathing to control your mind. Read more about how meditation can help you stop smoking >>>

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

This therapy focuses on changing patterns of thinking and can be used to change negative behaviors.

Read more about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) HERE >>>

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

(EMDR) This therapy is based on the idea that internal conflicts, such as memories of trauma or a phobia, can be processed in the brain by having patients focus on different parts of their bodies while using eye movements to move past traumatic memories.
Read more about EMDR here >>>

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 

This is a type of psychotherapy that uses psychological knowledge, understanding and insight to help patients solve problems. This form of therapy emphasizes the thoughts and feelings that influence behavior, as well as exploring the consequences of thoughts and behaviors with the goal of changing these negative patterns in order to improve emotional health.

Read more about psychoanalytic therapy here >>>

Humor Therapy

In this type of therapy you don’t expect great results but you have a very good time trying…Whatever your problem is, this type of therapy is always welcome.

What happens in the body when you stop smoking

Read more about what happens in the body after you quit smoking >>>

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